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COVID-19 Updates

The Barriskill Mission and Core Values Continue to Guide Our Work 

We continue to place our  mission and core values at the heart of our decision making. In particular, we are anticipating ways to address the social/emotional needs of our students in order to ensure that Barriskill remains a place where every student and teacher feels safe and cared for. 


Masking is currently STRONGLY Recommended as Durham County is in the High Risk Zone. 


**We will ask that every student keep a mask in their bag should the need arise while at the studio. We will also continue to keep masks at both entrances.**



  • Hand sanitization upon entry 

  • Equipment will be wiped down between all classes

  • Only students and Barriskill faculty/staff will be allowed to enter the building.



  • Our current plan is to remain mask optional this fall, however we will STRONGLY recommend masks when Durham Co is in the "Red" High Risk Category.

  • Students should bring and/or store a mask at the studio, as certain events (combined classes or showings) might require masking.


Here are additional updates regarding mitigation protocols, the majority of which remain consistent.

  • Positive Cases - The isolation period following a positive test remains five days. (Day 0 = symptom onset or test date). Upon return to the studio, masking will be required for an additional five days beyond the isolation period, per CDC guidelines. Please email if your child tests positive. 


  • Symptoms - Anyone exhibiting symptoms should remain at home. Please email and she will communicate to your dancer’s teacher. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, students may return to the studio after a negative test result (PCR or rapid). In these cases, masking is required indoors as long as a symptom persists.


  • Covid in the Household - Families must report any household case to Mari at Students may return to the studio after a negative test (PCR or rapid). Masking is required indoors for five days after the exposure.


  • Exposures (Close Contacts) - Fully vaccinated individuals with a known exposure (see CDC definition) should wear a well-fitting mask (surgical or KN95) for five days following the exposure. Per CDC guidelines, unvaccinated individuals will need to quarantine for five days following an exposure, unless both parties were wearing masks, or unless the person with the exposure was diagnosed with Covid in the past three months.

  • Communication - We will continue to notify specific classes in the event of a positive case.


  • Public Health Orders - We will continue to follow state, county, and/or city mandates and implement mitigation measures required by health authorities. In the absence of emergency orders, we do not anticipate issuing mitigation mandates related to masking or physical distancing. However, this could change based on community metrics.  We will continue to encourage responsible behaviors (covering coughs, practicing good hand hygiene, etc).



  • Drop off

    • Please arrive no more than 5 minutes before the start of your class. Please try to come dressed and ready to dance. If you absolutely must get dressed at the studio you may use the appropriate dressing room(s). However, the more students that can come prepared/dressed, the more room we’ll have in those dressing rooms for those that need them. 

    • Parents of younger students may escort their dancer(s) to the door closest to the studio they will be dancing in but will not be allowed in the building. 

  • Pick up

    • Please plan to meet your dancer in your car. For younger dancers, we will have socially distanced marks on the sidewalks outside to meet your dancers. The built in times between classes will also allow teachers to insure that each student gets to their parent safely.


I realize that this decision will be met with relief in some circles and anxiety in others. For the past two years, we have relied on data and the opinions of experts to make prudent decisions, and we have strived for transparency in our communication. These goals will continue to guide us as we move forward. Here are some additional points:

  • As a reminder, we are moving to mask recommended. We realize that several in our community will choose to continue wearing masks, we ask all students and faculty to be quietly respectful of each individual’s choice. Thank you in advance for reinforcing this message at home.

  • We will continue to only allow dancers to enter the building this year in order to keep numbers down. Thank you for your understanding. 

  • In the future, we might need to return to stricter protocols (including masking) if we are required to do so by mandate, or if we see reasons based on trends at Barriskill or locally. We will continue to be guided by health officials and will review all metrics and relevant guidance from health agencies.​

Supporting the physical, mental and emotional health of the Barriskill community remains a top priority. 

Thank you for your sustained patience, flexibility, and grace as we continue to make judicious decisions for our community.



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